We just published a new paper. Click here for the direct link.
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We just published a new paper. Click here for the direct link.
A pdf version is here for your reading pleasure.
I did a quick Google News Search for “laser” and “brain” today and realized that the AP story that ran on our lab yesterday was picked up all over. Very exciting. It’s too bad they didn’t all run the photos. I think those are more fun than the text, but oh well — I can’t complain about the publicity!
Some of the links:
Original AP Article
ABC News
New Haven Regsiter
Hartford Courant
Denver Post
Indiana Gazette
Food World News
Washington Times
AP Article by Malcolm Ritter (June 22, 2015): “Lasers, magnetism allow glimpses of the human brain at work” Also appeared on the NY Times and the Hartford Courant. Video below (with original link to YouTube here:
Been seeing alot on the news lately about all the jobs that have been created in Texas during the current recession.
I always want to see the demographic number distributions when I hear such information coming from politicians. The one thing that I always think about with respect to job creation, for both the present and the future, is how permanent are these jobs and how will they contribute to the economy in the long run. This article makes me think that many of the stories I have heard about low paying jobs coming from this growth are indeed true, and that very little long-term investment is being made.
A cute mix of 3D animation and retro video games.
I really hope this movie is great. The technology used to animate the characters is something I am very interested in. I would love to see a in depth tutorial as to how much of this movie was made and what software/pipelines were used to make the final product.
Leaving for Chicago in the morning. Hope the meeting is interesting, and that I don’t forget anything.